I had coffee with my friend Jackie the other morning. We hadn’t seen each other for a while, so it was good to catch up. I told her about how my kids are doing, the career, the pursuit of a simplified life, and she told me about her son Brawn, her new role as a CASA… just good conversation. Jackie also told me that she had deactivated her Facebook account and that it was a liberating experience. Less information addiction, less fragmented data, less fake news.
I could tell that it was a good decision on her part. She looked rested, centered, ready to take on what the day had to offer, and I sensed that her break from social media was part of it. So I said, “Jackie, show me how to deactivate my Facebook.” And she did, and I am now deactivated.
It will be interesting to see how this changes things. I’m in the middle of three books; maybe I’ll finish reading them. And maybe I’ll read the other four books I have sitting on my reading table. Maybe I’ll be better informed since I’ll have to look harder for data; maybe it’s good to pursue information instead of having it pushed to me. Maybe I’ll have more time for writing and thinking, the things I’ve always enjoyed, the activities that have had to compete with social media.
I remember what life was like before I had a Facebook account. I’m glad that I deactivated while that memory is still present.