by David Howell | Jan 5, 2017 | David Howell, The Descent into Happiness, USA
In November, John Oliver did a tribute to 2016. At the end of the video, he blows up a big “2016” display as a way of giving an end to what was last year. The clip left a bad taste in my mouth. It’s too easy to dismiss 2016, to tell it to “f***...
by Dennis Rea | Jan 4, 2017 | Dennis Rea, Live at the Forbidden City, Music
(* a nod to the tune of the same name by the late, brilliant songsmith Kevin Ayers) As the calendar advances to what is perhaps the most ominous new year of my lifetime to date, a look back at my musical activities over the past few years reveals a somewhat unsettling...
by Ethan Casey | Jan 1, 2017 | Ethan Casey, Home Free, USA
Recently a reader of my book Home Free: An American Road Trip asked me: “I’d guess traveling around the country during the 2012 election would have been interesting, but do you wish you’d done the same for 2016???? đŸ˜€” It’s an intriguing,...
by Pervaiz Lodhie | Nov 2, 2016 | Commentary
No matter who wins the presidential election on November 8, America and Americans have already lost. The damage that has been done is not reversible. Donald Trump has energized a large faction of alienated working-class Americans who feel authorized to vent their...
by Ethan Casey | Oct 9, 2016 | Bearing the Bruise, Ethan Casey, Haiti, Home Free
There will be a lot to say and write about this U.S. presidential election after the dust settles, if it ever does. For now, suffice it to say that it’s not really about Donald Trump. Trump is a savant, a performance artist whose medium is the rotten state of...