In the time of coronavirus: Seattle, 6/27/20

This past Wednesday, June 24, Jenny endured a 45-minute Zoom meeting with the president of the University of Washington, Ana Mari Cauce, along with the relevant vice provost, Rovy Branon. The meeting’s ostensible purpose was to take a last-ditch stab at saving, in...

In the Time of Coronavirus: Seattle, 6/23/20

When I was eight years old, at school I guess, I made a painting of some yellow flowers in an orange vase. I would have been in third grade, so I guess we were still living in the house on Bartlett Avenue in the near-in Milwaukee suburb of Whitefish Bay. It was the...

In the time of coronavirus: Seattle, 6/18/20

“Killing field open tomorrow,” said the moto taxi driver on the street outside my hotel in Phnom Penh. “Close today. Flea. Look, no pay.” But you paid for the ride there, just like at any other tourist site. It was October 1995, and I was in Cambodia for the first...

In the time of coronavirus: Seattle, 6/11/20

From Seattle Times sportswriter Larry Stone’s column, June 10: In negotiations with players to resume a season shut down by the coronavirus pandemic, Major League Baseball is administering self-inflicted wounds from which it might never fully recover, no matter how...

In the time of coronavirus: Seattle, 6/8/20

Yesterday was a good day overall in my little world, though in a way analogous to how a terminal patient has “good days and bad days,” and you learn to accept the good days with existential gratitude. Last night just before bed I melted down because there were some...